Where Marketing Meets the Client
Content Logic crafts tactical on-demand marketing content that transforms the top-level B2B marketing strategy into effective one-to-one client-facing communications: from pre-sale to post-engagement client interactions.
Do We have anything for...?
This is the oft-repeated refrain of client-facing professionals looking to respond to a client request, create a leave-behind for tomorrow's meeting, prepare an RFP response, or refine a presentation. All too often the answer is "no."
There is usually something. But it doesn't quite speak to this client's specific challenges. In this client's language.
Pro forma and recycled templates won't do.
Most marketing departments are not in a position to offer the rapid response needed to meet these ad hoc bespoke needs. The marketing and brand work horizon is longer, and the content is aimed higher in the sales funnel.
This is why business development teams are such prolific content creators. The need for client-specific material that is authoritative and persuasive is rarely off-the-rack.
Content Logic crafts tactical on-demand marketing content that transforms top-level B2B marketing strategy into winning one-to-one client-facing communications.
Effective, on-point content from pre-sale to post-engagement client interactions – while ensuring respect for the brand.
Sales Enablement with responsive expert tailoring
Sales enablement content doesn't measure views, click-throughs, SEM, or SEO. Sales enablement measures:
- opportunities,
- new client acquisition,
- enhanced client relationships, and
- revenue.
Content Logic offers on-demand, tight-deadline writing to support client-facing professionals with tailored content. When they need it. How they need it. In the format they need it.
Content that is based on the one "voice of customer" that matters most: the current prospect.
This is content logic.
- Client Briefings
- Industry Research
- Presentations
- Relevant Case Studies
- Quals Packages
- RFP/I Response
- SOWs
- In-Process Communications
- Reporting
- Client Meeting Presentations
- Enhanced Invoicing
- Cross-Selling
- Engagement Close-out
- Client Benefit Analyses