Lead. Frame the Debate. Be Expert.

Professional services marketing is significantly different than consumer marketing. However, the way potential clients engage in the decision-making process is very much the same. In B2B professional services thought-leadership plays a crucial and central role.

In the decision-making process, a prospective client will:

  1.  begin with awareness of a need
  2.  seek information
  3.  consider alternatives
  4.  buy, and
  5.  make post-purchase evaluations.

Engaging at – preferably before – that crucial first phase of the buyer’s journey ("awareness") with relevant and welcome  insights is critical to B2B marketing.

This is the time to establish your bona fides. To lead and frame the debate.

Thought Leadership content is especially important in professional and managed services involving complex client challenges that are delivered over time.

Establishing your position as the go-to expert is key. Whether you call your efforts rainmaking or sales, call prospects customers or clients, or call your sales force business development, relationship managers, consultants, partners, or CEO.

  • Articles
  • Industry Briefings
  • Whitepapers
  • Case Studies
  • Proposals

Thought leadership is the single most effective form of increasing market awareness and market share, moving into new markets, introducing new products and services, and importantly, both expanding and increasing the stickiness of existing relationships.

Lead. Frame the debate. Be expert. Write what matters.